Video installation, 16:9, black and white, HD, sound, 8’1”,  loop, mirror, studio easel

This piece, conceived during a residency in Salzburg, emerges as an exploration of the body’s unseen choreography within the architecture of space and the boundaries that subtly mold it. Through movement, it investigates the intricate interplay between resilience and fragility within the female form, probing how physical spaces shape and interact with bodily presence. The video unfolds as a fluid visual poetry, weaving together shifting rhythms, fragmented narratives, and layered imagery that metaphorically evoke the power dynamics of boundaries and gendered territories.

In a manner reminiscent of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, this work conjures a nocturnal world where identities are fluid and boundaries blur under the cover of darkness. Just as night obscures and reveals, the video navigates the liminal spaces where the body's agency is both constrained and liberated. The concept of 'what you will' resonates deeply here, inviting a contemplation of how the self is constructed and reconstructed in the twilight, where the invisible architecture of space shapes our movements, and the boundaries of gender become mutable, even negotiable.

Installation View