
(In collaboration with Huaiqian Liu)
Remnants of fireworks, cardboard, wire netting, video Installation 11’06’’

The exploration of border and enclave landscapes in our work challenges the conventional notion of borders as impenetrable walls or insurmountable barriers. In a physical sense, these barriers and obstacles are not singular structures but intricate compositions of multiple elements. Through walking and drifting, we seek to reveal the significance and impact of these borders, shedding light on how they are constructed. Consequently, borders become more than just geographical divisions; they transform into a methodology, a profound approach to comprehending social, cultural, and political differences.

The inspiration for our work stems from the perception of borders, which, simultaneously visible and invisible, create a state of suspended uncertainty, reflecting the inherent contradictions in the surrounding landscapes. In this "in-between" space, we utilize "border materials" to capture the delicate balance between the visible and the invisible. Following several visits to the enclave area of Baarle-Nassau, we chose fireworks and their remnants to serve as metaphors, aiming to evoke the overlapping and permeation of things and cultures, transcending physical boundaries. This intertwining extends beyond geography; it encompasses cultural and emotional dimensions.
