( In collaboration with Yu Dayu, Xianfang Zeng, Chu Chu, Huaiqian Liu, Yanxun Zhou)
Video installation, clay, fiber materials, wire mesh, steel hoops, iron frames
JiaKong, meaning "fiction," employs a creative approach of constructing a fictional community, aiming to explore alternative reference systems beyond existing institutional norms. These could be the life views and survival techniques of minority groups, collective memories, or steadfast beliefs, leading to systematic reflections on contemporary issues such as cultural tourism propaganda, museum stances and narratives, and contemporary art. In terms of knowledge and document organization, an interdisciplinary and integrated research perspective is adopted, combining the focuses of art, anthropology, archaeology, and other studies to initially construct the narrative system of the JiaKong community. Subsequently, the work is based on the same "epic background," "historical research," and "aesthetic system," narrating the unique chaotic and brilliant life journeys and views on life and death of the JiaKong community.

JiaKong意为“虚构”,旨在探索超越现有制度规范的替代性参照系统,通过一种创造性的方式构建一个虚构的族群。这些替代系统可能包括少数族群的生活观和生存技巧、集体记忆或信仰,从而对当代问题——如文旅宣传、博物馆立场和叙事等进行反思。参与 JiaKong 族虚构创作的艺术家认同“全球性艺术”(Global Art)观念涉及的少数族群多元文化、声音和艺术标准。在知识和文献组织方面,采用跨学科和综合的研究视角,初步构建JiaKong社群的视觉、神话、习俗、仪式等传统中具有想象力和共情的部分,叙述了JiaKong族独特、混乱而辉煌的生命旅程和生死观。

A people known as the JiaKong believe that the universe is composed of countless interwoven fibers, which are both the foundation of the material world and bearers of mysterious powers.
The JiaKongda are beings born from the hair of the Earth Goddess, endowed with the ability to weave life.
Legend has it that, when time and space were not yet distinct, the JiaKongda created a frog named BaXia.
BaXia not only possesses the breath of life but is also entrusted with the responsibility of regulating the balance between death and reproduction. BaXia不仅拥有生命之息,更被赋予调节死亡与生殖平衡的责任。
As an embodiment of dual powers, the frog symbolizes the changes and cycles of life within the tribe, the endings and beginnings, the fading away and the birth.
BaXia resides in a sacred place called the "Flower of Chaos," where strands woven from starlight and moonlight float on the water's surface.
Every night, BaXia uses its tongue to capture these shimmering strands, spitting them out to form new life or retracting them to reclaim the fibers of old souls.
每当夜幕降临时, BaXia便会用舌头捕捉这些闪烁光线,并将其吐出形成新生命或收回旧日灵魂所属之纤维。
However, as time passed, the JiaKong people grew fearful of death and sought to escape it. They began to overpopulate in a bid for immortality.
然而随着时间流转, JiaKong族人对于死亡感到恐惧并试图逃避它, 他们开始过度繁衍以求永存. 
This behavior disrupted the previously balanced and stable ecosystem.  The roots and stems of the Flower of Chaos penetrated the once flawless fibrous membrane.
这种行为打乱了原本平衡稳定的生态系统. 混沌花的根茎渗入了曾经完美无缺的纤维皮膜内部.
JiaKongda must mend the fine web anew. She bites through her own navel, releasing red mud.
Preparing to create anew for the JiaKong people...




A nonlinear combination of multiple artists is employed, linking significant milestones in the material and spiritual aspects of the JiaKong people's lives. The artists first research the fictional oral literary traditions, spiritual belief systems, and tangible and intangible heritage of such a community. Then, based on the fictional content, they construct an internal world of installations, video and performance within the exhibition space, "re- presenting" the culture of JiaKong. 




Installation/Performance View