Tools 100*125cm/Text 20*20cm, archival Inkjet Print, photographic film, comprehensive materials (agricultural tools, wooden poles, tapes, text)
As Marshall McLuhan is famously quoted, "We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us." Tools, as the foundation of civilization, play a crucial role in our society. Evolving from primitive implements, the emergence of agricultural tools marked the rise of agricultural civilization. Tools are not only extensions of the human body but also carriers of ideology, creating new forms and scales within human life. As they drive the progress of civilization, they also shape our understanding of "safety" and "violence."


"Deconstructing Tools" explores the complex relationship between tools and "safety" through ritualistic portraits of agricultural implements imbued with metaphorical power. In these images, tools act as collective symbols, simultaneously creators of safety and potential vessels of violence. Their use and proliferation not only grant society a sense of order and security but also subtly intensify dependence on power and control.



In this project, I employ multi-layered artistic techniques, repeatedly printing, overlaying, and reconstructing elements such as symbols, text, and codes, juxtaposed with photographic images, to create an abstract visual language. This language reveals the hidden relationships between tools, civilization, and history. The interplay between images and text uncovers how tools are redefined within collective memory and ideology. This process reflects the violent attributes tools have carried throughout history and questions whether they can genuinely guarantee collective safety.


"Deconstructing Tools" seeks to dismantle the seemingly solid connection between tools and civilization, deconstructing the role of tools in human perception and social structures, exploring the boundaries between safety and insecurity, and revealing how tools become invisible weapons of ideology in modern society.


Installation View