He made a decision...

He made a decision...

Smoke as fine as spider silk,

winding through the silence of the borderlands,

He was trapped in endless waiting,

until became a hole in the shape of a man in the landscape.

Running deeper into the forest alone,

you hear the unsettling echo of oars from afar.

In your memory, 

points of light flicker between reality and illusion,

in the past, you always looked towards the other shore.

Until those lights converged into a tangible gateway,

becoming a path of escape and loss.

The wheel of fate spins beneath your feet,

scenes of trauma and fear keep resurfacing,

You keep losing as you move forward,

but in the shadow of loss, you are forced to continue on.

Years later, I returned to my hometown in Northeast China, a place once described as a "transit station for immigrants." Together with my artist partner Huaiqian Liu, we’ve gathered many anecdotes and curiosities about border crossers. Among these, the legendary story of a famous North Korean defector, involving two daring escapes and a life of dispersion, left a deep impression on us. Weattempt to address these orally transmitted and constantly evolving rumors, exploring and visualizing the blurry boundaries between 'hearsay,' experience, and memory. In this narrative space, fragments of hearsay and unresolved clues lie scattered, waiting to be reactivated, pieced together, and reconstructed.



I try to reorganize and reinterpret these old postcards I collected in a Kringloop shop in Rotterdam half a year ago, about a North Korean revolutionary opera called The Song of Mount Kumgang. Landscape is omnipresent, dominating our lives. I see sacred landscapes, promises that could never be fulfilled, and cursed absent people.

半年前我在鹿特丹的一家 Kringloop 二手商店里,翻到了这几张明信片,内容是关于一部名为《金刚山之歌》的朝鲜革命歌剧。我试图在这一项目中重新整理和诠释这些二手图像——风景无处不在,主宰着我们的生活。我看到了神圣的风景,永远无法兑现的承诺,以及被诅咒的缺席者。




In this work, we explore two distinctly different yet intriguingly similar stories: one rooted in popular culture and idealized propaganda, the other stemming from hearsay. The Korean drama Crash Landing on You tells a story of love that transcends borders, where the female protagonist, an heiress of a South Korean conglomerate, is swept into North Korea by a storm during a paragliding accident, leading her to a forbidden romance with a North Korean military officer. Meanwhile, in the forests along the China-North Korea border, we came across a story that echoes this narrative: a pine nut harvester, who, while working high in the trees using a hydrogen balloon, was swept away by a strong wind, vanishing into the sky. A hundred days later, he mysteriously returned to the area.


We rephotographed and reimagined visual elements from Crash Landing on You, images sourced from the internet, and photographs we shooted, reconstructing the untold middle part of the pine nut harvester story through a slideshow presentation in the exhibition space. By juxtaposing and intertwining these seemingly parallel yet intersecting narratives, the work seeks to explore the complex relationships between borders, identity, memory, and fate.


The fragmentation and reassembly of images within the piece are not random but intentionally designed to provoke reflection on the narrative gaps. The focus is not only on the beginning and end of the stories but also on the "untold" process—a metaphorical journey across borders and identities. It is a reevaluation of memory and hearsay, a poetic reconstruction of reality and fiction. Through the slideshow presentation, we invite the audience to engage in the (un)finished puzzle of this narrative.

“ Where have you been? ”
“ Where are you going? ”

The oars take us around in circles.
